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Flexible Working People offers you different ways to access talent and fill your roles. You can choose to advertise with us or we can handpick talent for you through our recruitment service FWP Recruits.

FWP Access

FWP Premium

FWP Shortlisting

FWP Recruits

  • Proactive sourcing of candidates from our vast database and FWP network
  • We find your ideal candidate including those passive candidates who aren't actively looking
  • Conduct Interview to establish suitability and fit.
  • Written candidate submissions with a profile on each candidate - we ask all the questions for you
  • End to end co-ordination of application process - setting up interviews, candidate feedback and salary negotiation

FWP Returners

Bring your returnship programme to life! Access an untapped pool of senior, high calibre experienced and motivated people who have taken a career break and are keen to get back into the workplace.

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