Jessica Chivers is the founder of The Talent Keeper Specialists, author of Mothers Work! How to Get a Grip on Guilt and Make a Smooth Return to Work and COMEBACK COACH podcast host. Jessica and her team of coaches help employers keep employees feeling confident, connected and cared for when they take any kind of extended leave from work through the Comeback Community™ employee experience.
Jessica loves helping people grappling with the challenges around returning to work and will be in the group supporting you as you make your comeback from maternity leave, career breaks, sick leave and other extended periods of leave from work.
COMEBACK COACH episodes cover topics such as confidence, sharing the load at home, imposter syndrome, flexibility, career progression, career change, PND and anxiety and how to make full time work work when you have a young family.
Find Jessica and team on Instagram at @comebackcommuk and @talentkeepersuk and on LinkedIn.